Wednesday, 21 July 2010

Knew it would be Crazy... but it was CRAZY!!!

Yesterday... the first day of campaigning for the presidential election on August 9th was ... well... I couldn't believe it really.

The atmosphere was like the Toronto Maple Leafs were in the Stanley Cup final (as if we know what that feels or looks like but we can imagine right!).
There are three candidates running in this election but by far the majority of the hype was around the FPR / RPF.

There were people marching from all points of Kigali to the Stadium where the big kick off rally was being held, in groups of 50 to the hundreds. They were decked out in all the blue, red and white they could find... some had their bodies painted ... and their clothes, they were singing, dancing and chanting their way. Seemed like all of Kigali was going to the rally. Seems like the vuvuzela manufacturers have been busy for the campaign as well!

We took the team to the market yesterday morning to buy food for Ubuzima - the HIV/AIDS association. On the way, I about had an accident. A car on the way to the stadium, lost a flag and jammed on the brakes so they could pick it back up. I had nowhere to go. Good thing my brakes are working and those of the minibus, carrying the team, who was behind me. 

As we drove by the stadium, it was PACKED. Seemed there were are as many outside as inside and more marches were on their way! Prince said that he saw on the TV that President Kagame showed up in the late afternoon and it was BIG. They were dancing and singing. Said they had cake for everyone -guess that's important to a 12 year old!

Then there were the flatbeds with speakers, blaring music of Rwanda... patriotic songs. Not just one truck or two... but MANY! I never knew we had so many concert speakers in Rwanda!!

Today seems a bit more calm... but the team wants RPF tshirts... where to find those??

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