Wednesday, 25 March 2015

My Uncle Vernon...

When my mom calls me early morning her time... I'm pretty sure the news isn't good. 
I've had a few of those calls in my lifetime. 

This past Sunday proved the same. 
She was calling to tell me that my Uncle Vernon passed away. 
It was not unexpected as he had been on a journey for some time but his mind was clear to the end.

Today is his funeral. 

He was the one who put me on a horse, gave us girls time off of gardening to go swimming in the back pond on their farm, and who retired loving to collect farm toys and took up sewing so that he could help his wife continue to make quilts for the needy. I have one of those quilts. It was a gift from their family a few years ago, and now I will cherish it all the more. He was steady man, always having time to chat and wonder how you were doing, and give you a good firm handshake hello and good-bye. 

I cry alone, wishing I was in Canada to journey with the rest of my extended family, but it's not to be. I am sure this will not be the last early morning phone call I will ... and that makes my heart heavy to think about it but I do know this - somehow I will find peace and comfort during this time and those to come. 


cochrane said...

A sad post, Jen.

Thank you for sharing and honouring him with your post. We are sorry to hear of your loss. I'm certain he was proud of you like we are.


Ken said...

Sorry Jen. I's so difficult being far from family at times. Love ya lots and I'll be praying for you...