Tuesday, 20 April 2010

So I got a haircut!!

CRAZY that my first post would be about a haircut, but hey. I have lived in Kigali Rwanda since January 2006 and have been in search of a decent - not the most amazing haircut ever, just a decent one - since then. I have let my hair go as it's better to have hair you can put up at a moments notice than to have bad hair! Well... my life has changed! I'm thinking that God finally said, 'ENOUGH!' 'It's finished'... and allowed me to find a dear Belgian lady who cuts hair from her home. Not only did she probably give me the best haircut of my life - not kidding - she COLOURED it too!!! From a real mixing, not a box from ShoppersDrugMart!! WOOHOO!! Not sure how often we can afford this haircut but I'll be saving my francs from now on! I am a new woman and the world is a little brighter today! May she live in Rwanda for many days to come... story of my life that people leave...


Steve VB said...

Pictures? I know that's what my wife will be asking for when she reads this anyway...

Miss ya.



I agree with Steve ... we want pictures! So glad you have a blog now! :) When are we gonna chat?

Sanja said...

I'm soon to be a newcomer in Kigali and already worring about keeping my hairstyle decent. I read some recommendations about this Belgian lady from other people too and I was wandering if she still lived in Kigali. If yes, how can I come in touch with her when I get there? Any contact number, address? Will you, please, be so kind to email them to me on paunovicc@gmail.com.

Best regards,
