Friday, 7 April 2017

The Quietest Day of the Year

Today is April 7th 
I woke up this morning to complete quietness. 

No people are walking and talking their way to work before dawn. 
Kids are not out playing an early morning football game. 
The last community drunk isn't wandering home and singing a song. 
Even the multitude of birds were not chattering away. 
The neighbourhood house help was not banging pots and pans as they were being washed 
No cars are moving 
No construction noises - dump trucks, no cement mixers, no teams of workers calling out to each other 
Even our dog Lucy rests. 

It's 9:47 am and a lone bird tweets. 

Today Rwanda remembers. 
Today marks 23 years. 
Today we reflect on the past, mourn with those who mourn and embrace the hope we have in the future. 

Never Again 

And yet ... around the world it is happening. Even today. 
That adds to the sadness of Rwanda. 

The genocide that happened here, was it not enough? 

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