Thursday, 28 October 2021

Feelings and Thinking...

 So I'm plowing through my friend Jon's book on Deliverance. 

It's book you read in chunks, stop to ponder, then pick it up again. The book is pretty inclusive, has great insight, definitely theologically sound ... more like a textbook of deliverance of sorts - a must read for all interested for sure. 

Anyways... the 'chunk' of reading this morning - MESSED ME UP!!! 

Chapter 13 - The Deep Healing and the Deliverance Model pg. 172 / 173 

Jon's walking me, the reader, through the deliverance model of Charles H. Kraft - and he writes... 

'.... Kraft also holds to the fact that much of the time inner healing must go back to even before birth. This idea based on some psychological theories that the baby is affected both by the mother's feelings and thinking and also by the desire of the kingdom of darkness to attack those made in the image of God, even before birth...' 


I know that trauma impacts the development of a baby but this add a whole new layer for me - feelings and thinking. What a woman thinks or feels during her pregnancy, impacts the spiritual development of this child. 

My mind floods with SO many Rwandan women which I know, that curse the thought of being pregnant yet again. I know that words have great power ... and that is so important in life but the very feelings and thinking of a mom to the baby. SO many layers - some physical, some biological, some emotional, some spiritual... 

Gosh no wonder the kids we minister to, the teenagers, the women, the men... have some deep seeded issues. How many of them have been carrying their moms thoughts and feelings from birth - about their pending arrival into this world?

I have lived in Rwanda for 17-1/2 years. I well know there are many factors in peoples lives here that make it very difficult for them to live, believe in, hope for a whole, transformed life.... this just adds a few more layers to try to understand better and find our way through. 

God help us. 

If you're interested in the book... sold on Amazon