Tuesday 25 January 2011

Living Barnabas

About a year ago, we started a series here in the English Service on the Book of Acts. I was reminded and challenged again about Barnabas - The Son of Encouragement - who was part of the crowd of believers that were of one heart and mind, and they felt that what they owned was not their own; they shared everything they had (Acts 4:32-37)

Serge and I do our best to live generously responding to the needs of those around us. 

Every month we receive financial gifts from people who know and love us and want to be part of the ministry here in Rwanda. We are humbled to be on the receiving end. 

I believe that we are ALL called to live and give generously ... but then there are the Barnabas's in this world who go above and beyond.

Barnabas people in Canada saw our need and responded....clothes for the kids, a minivan to drive, envelops of money for whatever, so many words of encouragement, etc.

One that impacted me...

We were visiting a church and who should be there but someone who I hadn't seen in years. He is a long time monthly supporter of ours and a Barnabas.
As we hugged, tears streamed down both of our faces. He had been carrying a card - a card that was personally selected for us, not just any blank card - in his Bible for us, knowing that one of the Sundays we'd be showing up at their church. I have known him most of my life and for our adult life, he has been one of my biggest encouragers.
 Always a note, always words to deeply encourage my heart and often a little extra money for whatever.
'Jen, you know we totally believe in you and the work that God has called you to, you know we love you guys, we pray for you.'
I think I have notes of encouragement from him that are 20 years old, and they are still in my Bible. I'll be adding the card to the stash.
He's a living Barnabas and this girl is more than blessed!

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